You know.
You are entirely mistaken in your saying that I am an apostate not interested in discovering God and Truth. Absolutely false.
I am most concerned to find God and follow Him.
I fully consider it very possible we are residing within the time of Christs coming.Certainly, as the Bible amply states, that event will be literal, not symbolic and invisible.If indeed the Bible is inspired.
I have requested scripture references.
Please show scripture references so I can assess.
refiners fire
JoinedPosts by refiners fire
by You Know inwhen jesus was on earth the devil approached him quoting scripture in order to tempt and entrap him.
it is no wonder then that the apostate angel would be behind the effort to use the scriptures against jehovahs people today in order to mislead them.
one of the most cunning and effective uses of scripture against us by satans agents is the charge that we are false prophets.
refiners fire
Just some thoughts on watchtower criticism
by sleepy inthis is part of a letter i may send to a friend.. i'm starting to have some real problems over my stand in regard to the society, and i'm starting to get angery with people.. i will tell my story soon.its nothing different or special, i just what to get it of my chest.. anyway in my anger i have written this to a friend.the letter is not written in an angrey tone , it just may be counter-productive to send it.. in your letter the point was raised should i be critical of the society.
this is in line with what the aug 1 2001 watchtower said pg.14 p 8 ...a mature christian ....does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbour private ideas when it comes to bible understanding.
rather he has complete confidence in the truth as revealed by jehovah through his son jesus and the faithful and discrete slave.
refiners fire
every religious institution in history has been founded by a person who found his own interpretation of scripture.A person who rebelled against the corruption of the established religious order,and its dogmatic insistence of compliance.
Tell them,you insist upon your own interpretation, as indeed did Pastor Russell. -
by You Know inwhen jesus was on earth the devil approached him quoting scripture in order to tempt and entrap him.
it is no wonder then that the apostate angel would be behind the effort to use the scriptures against jehovahs people today in order to mislead them.
one of the most cunning and effective uses of scripture against us by satans agents is the charge that we are false prophets.
refiners fire
well you know,Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 lists false prophets coming in his name numerous times, more times than he mentions the old J Dub earthquakes and pestilence.
Isnt it a little curious that every cultic church on earth has fallen into the trap he predicted so many times?
Predictive date setting in the name of inspiration from God ,in Jesus name, or in the authority of certain angels.
It all adds to the same thing.
Your much beloved Mr Larouche. Him too. False predictions. I believe the ability to recognize false prediction in a group that claims inspiration is an identifying sign that they are a false church.
Let him with ears to hear...hear.
Also. I am not familiar that it says IN SCRIPTURE that the apostles PUBLICLY SPREAD false teaching about the return of Christ.If they did, please cite scripture ref so I can check it.
As well. Where IN SCRIPTURE does it say that the former understanding regarding what costitutes false prophecy has been overturned and replaced with a new understanding?
I would like to view these scriptures also.
If you can provide them, I will certainly consider. -
The world will end today.
by avengers inwell everybody, this is my goodbye letter.
today the world will end.. armageddon will sweep across the world.
i'm looking for a jw to save me.
refiners fire
17 hours ahead a you guys here.
if I havent posted in 4 hours from ENDED.
Farewell dear friends!
thats 8:01 by the site clock.. -
join the blue room if you feel like barfing
by avengers in<href=""
can women now be elders?
this blue room gives me the impression that women now may give advice to the brothers and sisters.
refiners fire
I sent them an email saying that as a religious searcher I was disturbed by the levels of control and PARANOIA that were BLINDINGLY obvious just in the ENTRANCE to their precious little chat room .
No response.
Those guys...the net is beyond their ability to deal with.... -
refiners fire
speak oh oracle.
join the blue room if you feel like barfing
by avengers in<href=""
can women now be elders?
this blue room gives me the impression that women now may give advice to the brothers and sisters.
refiners fire
checked it out.
very controlled isnt it.
some newbie was in there and the moderator was pumping him trying to get him to explain his life history in case he was a spy.
Social Influence Part I, II
by larc inhello brothers and sisters.
lately, there has been a lot of discussion, re: who is to blame, the organization, the elders, the individual, or all of the above.. i believe that all of the above were trapped in a bad system.
i would like to present some findings from social psychology to illustrate the influences that make is very difficult for the individual to express free will, as we understand it.
refiners fire
Bring on Zimbardo.
I wanna see that one....oh! Its already there!....okay..I suppose you already read Sargents "Battle for the mind".
Pretty old, know any updated stuff available?Im pretty interested.
Maos thought reform schools worked on the principle demonstrated with the spot of light, I guess,shift their opinions based on the opinions of others,feedback.
Ive suspected this is the reason (one of them) these churches like to outnumber the recruit while studying with them. Two opinions to one,causes shift to agreement.
The Mormons like to outnumber recuits 5, 6 to 1. An even better chance of compliance and shift.
The mormons like to sow confussion in the minds of new recruits, you expect so and so to be at your study, and its actually some other guy youve never met,they lie about it, they also jerk you around with location, they tell you to go to a certain address, you go there, then theres a phone call, now you have to go somewhere else.
They run you around like musical chairs.
They also seek to induce emotional response in you, the guys studying with you start crying, next, you feel like crying too.
Wonder what the emotional response thing has to do with increasing the chances of conversion. Larc?? -
Any Ex-JW's from South Africa here?
by SYN indoes anyone who chats here live in south africa?
i feel a bit lonely, haven't really seen anyone from sa here yet.... "i see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone.
" -- charles darwin, the origin of species, 1869.
refiners fire
looks like youre the only dub in SA with any sense brother.
Sorry. -
by You Know inperhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
refiners fire
Well if the OUTLAW says its cool, I guess it is.
I havent followed U knows posts sufficiently, perhaps, to know what the full deal is.